Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Holy cow time flies by.

So I was partially successful with my goal of completing all the pictures in November...I finished the actual work of making all the mosiacs last night at about 8pm, leaving me a solid 4 hours ahead of schedule.  But when I tried to take pictures in my apartment, I couldn't get anywhere where there wasn't a massive glare from my lights, so I think I am going to have to wait until Saturday to take some pictures since I am never home when there's sunlight during the week.

1) Finish mosaics for every Japanese person I know.
2) Take pictures of said mosiacs. (saturday)
3) Make a video of the adventure.  (before Heather comes on the 27th)

So yea, I hope you are having an excellent day.  Thank you so much for reading this.  You are fantastic.

Also, I recommend you go out to the store right now and buy some fresh Mandarin oranges, they are at the peak season right now.  Super cheap.  Super delicious.  You won't regret eating 6 of them for breakfast.

note:  Apparently my blog is on Central Standard Time, so even though this post says it was posted November 30th, I promise you that right now it is December 1st.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just a Warning

I'm going into pretty heavy Gotta-Finish-This-Kanji-Thing before Heather visits in December so I will likely not be updating for a little bit.  I had originally planned to finish in November sometime, but it's looking more like it'll be December.  Now the goal is to finish the pictures in November and then the video in December.

