So I have been talking a lot about granola to my coworkers. Nobody has eaten it and I keep saying that it is my favorite food. So Mikami-sensei (三上先生) found some グラノーラ (gu-ra-noo-ra) and gave me some. It definitely did not look like the granola bars that I am used to in the states, but I promised them that Heather was bringing some so they will be able to taste the difference.
So anyway, I eat it all up, and another teacher, who has been on my case about granola (Katsurahara-sensei) comes in and was like "oh granola!" and Mikami-sensei tried to give her a pack of granola bars too.
(this is when the story gets fun)
What proceeded was a good old fashioned humble-off. Mikami sensei and Katsurahara-sensei were dead locked, each wanting to be more humble than the other. Katsurahara-sensei denied the offer of granola bars at least 10 times before Mikami-sensei finally just put the bars on her desk and walked away. Not about to lose the battle, Katsurahara-sensei dug through her purse and found a chocolate bar that she had brought for dessert for lunch. She proceeded to chase down Mikami-sensei and offer him the chocolate bar. However, he was determined to win the battle. Mikami-sensei refused the chocolate bars another 10 times before finally, Katsurahara-sensei literally throws the chocolate bar at him and walks away.
I'm going to have to to call it a draw.
HAHAHA yes! Man I love the humble-offs! Tomoko had one with the lobby employees at our Onsen when they bumped up our room. Obviously she lost since they're in the service business, but it was hilarious none-the-less.