Thursday, September 16, 2010


My entertainment for today: going around asking people what 複数形 means in English.  So far, everyone has said "pearl."  And I'm like "Nooooooo..."

For the record, 複数形 means "plural."

For those who don't know, the Japanese have no sound for L and R so they find them very difficult to pronounce, just like a native English speaker has a difficult time pronouncing らりろれる (ra ri ro re ru).  So when I show them the kanji, they try to say plural, but it is very difficult.

Yes, I know I'm going to hell for this.

But for what it's worth, they keep asking me how to say "old" (furui) and I am terrible at pronouncing "ru" so they always have a good laugh when I say "free" instead of "furui."

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