- Anki (Clear my completed decks)
- Watch Japanese TV
By Jan 1 2010
50 episodes of 1 Piece500 kanji from RTK
By Feb 1st
Finish RTK
By March 1
100 Episodes of One Piece HOMEski/snowboard 10 timesDo first half of Rosetta Stone (8 units). HOMEFinish the core 2000 Level 1 anki deck SCHOOL
By April 1
150 Episodes of One Piece HOMEFinish Japanese Core 2000 levels 2-3 SCHOOLFinish the Japanese Graded Readers level 2
By May 1:
- Have at least 5 days with no English. Watch lots of TV and movies so I can be fully immersed in Japanese. (2 of 5 done, phone calls with Heather allowed)
Understand 90% of the level 2 Japanese Graded Readers
June 1 2011
- JLPT lvl 4 (not quite) I'd probably get about 50% on the test, 60% is passing.
Finish Minna no Nihongo I- Get my ko2001 deck down to 5000 cards (around 5300ish)
- Have at least 5 days with no English. Watch lots of TV and movies so I can be fully immersed in Japanese. (0 of 5 done, phone calls with Heather allowed)
Understand 80% each of the level 3 Japanese Graded Readers.Clear all reviews in Anki (my RTK deck had over 1000 reviews due for a while)
July 1 2011
- Finish Minna no Nihongo II
- Get my ko2001 deck down to 4000 cards
- Finish Core 2000 (get each deck down below 100 cards)
123 4 5 67 8 9 10
- Have at least 5 days with no English. Watch lots of TV and movies so I can be fully immersed in Japanese. (0 of 5 done, phone calls with Heather allowed)
- Clear my RTK kanji deck at school
- Understand at least half of one piece/pokemon/final fantasy advent children/conversations between teachers/news/tv without subtitles/morning teachers meetings
- Get my ko2001 deck down to 3000 cards
- Have at least 5 days with no English. Watch lots of TV and movies so I can be fully immersed in Japanese. (0 of 5 done, phone calls with Heather allowed)
- Beat Metal Gear Solid 3 for PS2 in Japanese
- Beat a Final Fantasy game in Japanese(right now leaning toward FFXII)
- Get my ko2001 deck down to 2000 cards
- Return CLAIR advance course books to Val (aka, finish advanced course)
- Get Core 6000 down to about 500 cards per deck.
- Have at least 5 days with no English. Watch lots of TV and movies so I can be fully immersed in Japanese. (2 of 5 done, phone calls with Heather allowed)
November 1 2011
- Finish writing the names for all my teachers.
December 1 2011
- Pass the JLPT level 3 (actually take the test, not just practice tests online)
- Speak very little English.
- Finish the 5 cmps anki deck
- 0 cards in my ko2001 deck
- Finish Japanese Core 6000 (get each deck down below 100 cards)
- Finish every episode of One Piece
July 2012
- Pass JLPT lvl 2
- Understand and be able to write any random sentence from anime/conversations between teachers/news/tv/morning teachers meetings
- Understand this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dp4OoVfXgs
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