Sunday, July 10, 2011


According to my visitor statistics it shows two people that have checked this site every day and a third person that checks it about 5 or 6 times a week.  I commend you three for sticking with your daily checks of this blog despite me not posting for like a month.

So I apologize for the lack of updates.  I think everyone that reads this is probably my facebook friend.  But if not, here are some pictures that summarize my last 2 weeks pretty well: 


Now that she's returned home, I'll probably resume my unassuming life where I only do ten things for six months straight:

1) Sleep
2) Check facebook
3) Eat
4) Cook
5) Starcraft 2 related things
6) Study Japanese
7) Bike around town
8) Shop
9) Teach
10) gchat cool people

However, Mama is coming to visit in a month so that will surely prevent me from blogging again for about 2 months.  Big Japanese test in December, and  I haven't learned any Japanese in about a month so I need to start buckling down.


  1. Really enjoyed looking at the recent pictures. It was also great to see you've connected with the Kai family. Such nice folks.

    May the rainy season this year be very short.


  2. Thanks a lot Taylor, you've definitely made my first year in Japan a much easier and more enjoyable experience.

    Anytime in the next year you need a resupply of ハイチュウ you just let me know.
