So first of all, somehow over the past 3 months of never updating this, I have gained a faithful reader. There seem to be three people that check this every day, so I'm very sorry mom, pop and Heather (I'm pretty sure it's you three?) that you guys keep checking and finding nothing new. Well that is about to change.
I have almost finally finished this stupid kanji video that I've been putting off so much. You'd think after a year of working on something that it would be fantastic, but whatever it's finally done. I stayed up until 2am last night putting the finishing touches on the video and so all I have to do tonight (I'm at school and can't edit here) is change one little part that will take about 10 minutes then render it and upload it then tomorrow I'll write a longer blog entry devoted just to the video.
My next project now will be going through the like 1000 pictures that I have on my computer and writing stories about them. That will hopefully not take me too long since I can go through a few at a time and then when I want a study break, instead of checking Facebook, I'll post a picture and write the story behind it. I have a year's worth of adventures that I haven't been blogging about because I thought that I should be working on the kanji video instead of blogging, but what ended up happening was that I would not work on either. So anyhoo, this is a pointless entry and all I want to do is say sorry for never updating but you'll find out the reason in about 16 hours or so.
Can't wait to see it! I'm sure it will be great.