Thursday, October 6, 2011

Start of a New Chapter

I think I am going to change the purpose of the blog.  I started it out as a way to remember the big events that I participate in but that usually just ends up with me posting facebook pictures and saying "look through them if you're interested." So it hasn't exactly worked out.  That and I'm usually too lazy to sit down and write for the half hour or hour it takes to make the recap enjoyable.

So, after my 14 months in Japan it is clear that the one thing that I want to remember most is the kindness of my friends and coworkers here in Japan so instead of posting once every two months about some event (which I still will do if it's a once-in-a-lifetime type of event), I will try to post much more often very short stories whenever someone is kind to me, because let's face it, being treated nicely and treating others nicely is what makes living so darn much fun.  How's that for a run on sentence?

So I'll start with basketball last night.  Ichinohe san picked me up from my apartment and gave me a sports drink.  Very nice of him.  Also, Kumagai sensei got back from a business trip to Aomori city and gave everyone in the office (there were about 8 of us still here at 6:30pm last night) these super delicious waffles.  And Toki sensei (home ec teacher) made fried rice during class and had leftovers and gave the leftovers to me.  They were delicious.

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